The tallest man-made structure in the world

The tallest man-made structure in the world

Photo Courtesy: Dimscale
              Some people dream big, really big. But even big seems like a small word for a 2,722 ft high gigantic dream called Burj Khalifa. Dubai saw this dream and turned it into a reality. This building is the tallest skyscraper in the world since January 2010. A visit to Dubai is incomplete without an up close look at Burj Khalifa. As the structure tapers at the top, its greatness can be easily underestimated from afar. But as you reach below it all you can do is stretch your neck as far back as possible and gape at the massive structure. It is very exquisite and beautiful! The way sunlight reflects from the glass windows makes the building stand out and shine brightly. At night the Burj is lit up in splendid lights grabbing attention in the black night sky.
             Once you see this magnificent structure, it sets a standard for awe in your mind that no other building comes even close to it. So the side effect of visiting Burj Khalifa was I found Eiffel tower very small! It is an architectural wonder in its own right, but when it comes to the awe factor it cannot beat Burj Khalifa towering at twice its height. It is truly an icon of Dubai, grabbing world’s attention to its success, progress and glamour.

Fabulous fireworks for New Year celebrations!


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